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Gordon's Boudicca Bailey vom Swift Run

Boo is the daughter of Xena  and Machnycz's Argos.  Boo is participates in AKC sports. She had earned her CD (Companion Dog) Title in Obedience, RE (Rally Excellent) Title in Rally, and her TKN (Trick Dog Novice) Title. She also has her FDC (Farm Dog Certified) Certification and CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Certification.

She is also training to perform in Agility and Search and Rescue. She is very attached to Liam and Davey, who also adore her. She is a big sweetheart and picks up new skills very quickly. She has a high drive, but an incredible off switch in the house, and is excited to work whatever we throw at her. 

Health Testing

DCM 1: Clear

DCM 2: 1 Copy

vWD: Clear

Hips: Good

Elbows: Normal

Eyes: Normal

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