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Xi Xi Top Swift Run Xena
Xena is shown in AKC sports and has earned the CD (Companion Dog) title in Obedience, the RM (Rally Master) and RAE (Rally Advanced Excellent) titles in Rally, and TKN (Novice Trick Dog) title. She has her FDC (Farm Dog Certified) Certification and CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Certification.
She lives in our home with our 3 sons and is excellent with them. She has a sweet temperament, thinks everyone is her friend, eager to please, and is high-energy. She has been an amazing mama, passing on her sweet and eager to please personality.
Health Testing
DNA: Clear
DCM 1: Clear
DCM 2: Clear
vWD: Clear
Hips: Excellent
Elbows: Normal
Eyes: Normal

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